Friday, June 27, 2008

An oldie but I still love it!

So the girls on the Daisy D's design team decided to share some of their old Daisy D's layouts and projects with each other.  I had to do some digging but I found this mini book, it was the first Daisy D's class I have ever taught and I was lucky enough to have had it published in the "Babies" Idea book by Scrapbook Trends.

I think it's so much fun to look back on how your style has changed over time.  

This album was made using the Classic Kids collection from Daisy D's.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Teacher Gifts

I just wanted to share a project I did with Matthew's class for his teacher Miss Sullivan.

I went to school and had each of the kids in his class put their thumbprint on a flower pot.   When I got home I drew an animal or flower from the thumbprint and put the child's name next to their print.  Around the top of the pot it says "Thanks for helping us grow".

The final project was a big hit with the kids and Miss Sullivan.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Weekend Away!

We had so much fun this past weekend in New Hampshire, I thought I would post some of the photos.

We took the  boys fishing on Saturday and as soon as you put your line in the water within 20 seconds you would catch a fish.  So it wasn't challenging but it sure did keep them entertained.  The boys caught baby bass and sun fish as well as a frog.

This is one of the fish that Matthew caught.

Dad showing Nicholas how to put bait on a hook.

This is a photo of the lake we went fishing (not too sure of the name).

This is my favorite photo from the weekend.  It was taken on Father's Day!

Nicholas's catch of the day!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Daisy D's Blog

Every week a design team member posts a story, project or helpful hints on the Daisy D's Blog.  This week it was mine turn and here is a sneak peek of my project.  So if you have a chance go and check it out and let me know what you think.  

Here is the link.

Friday, June 6, 2008

He's Here! He's Here!

Nathan Thomas made it safely into this world at 1:18am.  He was 7 lbs. 14oz and 19 inches long.

Both mum and dad are over the moon.

I just LOVE his hair! ! ! !

The proud new dad showing his mum, Nathan. 

I'm not sure if Nicholas knew what to do with Nathan at first.

This is a photo of Matthew with Nathan, both boys fell head over heels for this little guy.  They think he is AWESOME.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Waiting Patiently

Well, my poor sister-in-law has been in labor since 1am this morning.  Now almost 24 hours later she is in the hospital waiting for the little one to enter the world. 

It makes me think back to the days that both my boys were born.  I was very lucky to have had very quick labors with both boys.  Matthew (my first) was a total of 3 hours and Nicholas was a total of 5 hours.  They both came too fast for any drugs which was ok with me because I am deathly afraid of needles and ivs.

Anyhoo, have a great night and hopefully I will be a proud auntie in a couple of hours.