Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Babcia!

Well today is my grandmother's 81st birthday. So we all got together for a little Chinese food and cake.
Although she is 81 today, I must tell you that she has more energy in her little finger than I have in my whole body. She has never had a drivers license so she walks everywhere, whether it is grocery shopping, visiting friends or going to the beach.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, we always go fruit picking. Well, I refuse to take my grandmother apple picking any more. She insists on climbing the apple trees to get the reddest and ripest apples and when the workers catch her and tell her to get down, she pretends she either doesn't hear them or that she doesn't speak English. It is quite embarrassing to say the least.

Here is a photo of Nicholas (my youngest) all dressed up for the party. Dont' you just love toddlers (lol)!

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